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Yolanda Peredes

Yolanda Peredes

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Yolanda Peredes


Yolanda Paredes obtained her Bachelors in Political Science and Criminal Justice from Kean University. However, through the years, she has always had a love for the arts, especially dance. Yolanda has centered much of her time around children.  She consistently is encouraging not only her own four children to pursue their dreams and goals, but she willing does the same for so many other youngsters.   

She saw a dire need for a different dance studio to be opened.  One that not only had rigorous training, but that also genuinely fostered love, discipline and a sense of family.   We live in an extremely high-paced and challenging world, and Yolanda strongly believes we all intentionally have to take the time to invest and pour into our younger generation. 

At Eastside Dance Project, she is committed not to one child, or solely to the best dancer(s), she is concerned for the well-being and progress of all that enter the studio doors.  She does not make it about finances or only about the reputation of the school.  Her desire is that these artists have essential tools to excel not only on stages, but in all arenas of their lives. 

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